Conn's Briefing #43 - Post Rental Question & Answers - Part 2

Post Rental Questions and Answers - Part 2
I Got Overcharged!  
I receive emails from some customers after they have returned from their Ireland visit that question the charges on their Final Invoice or on their credit card.
In spite of writing 42 briefings that explain in detail the entire rental process from researching to Final Invoice customers still would rather send an email with a post rental question than look up the answer in my Briefings.
One can’t change Human Nature so I will try and highlight some of the popular post-rental questions I receive.
Question #1 - I Got Overcharged! 
99.9% of the time this question is answered…No You Did Not.
What one should do before you send the email question is to look at the price that was on your rental confirmation.  Look at what was included in that price.  (Remember that it is shown in Euros, the local currency of Ireland) Then recall those items you ADDED at the Hertz Counter when you pick up the car.  For many folks they add an additional driver, they add the optional Tire & Wheel coverage, they may take advantage of the FPO (Fuel Purchase Option), they may add a Hertz Wi-Fi Hotspot rental, they may add a Hertz NeverLost GPS rental, some may even upgrade to a larger vehicle, .  All of those are in ADDITION to the price that was on your rental confirmation
The best way to compare is to take a look at your copy of the Rental Agreement and see if any of those options I have outlined above are listed on the Rental Agreement.  If they are your question is answered.
The next thing to do is compare the Rental Agreement you signed at the beginning of the rental with the Final Invoice you received at the end of the rental.  
It is the amount shown on the Final Invoice that is charged to your credit or debit card….NOT the ESTIMATED Rental Charge amount shown on the Rental Agreement,
If you still have an issue, then email the queried discrepancy to me ALONG WITH a scanned or photo your copy of the RENTAL AGREEMENT that you signed at the Hertz counter AND the FINAL INVOICE you received when your turned in the car.
When I have those I can do the comparison and if there is an item that requires an answer or investigation,  I will email it to my contact at Hertz Ireland Customer Services in Wexford and it will get it resolved for you in short order.
Important Note: In May of 2018 the European Union enacted the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).  That means that Conn’s Ireland Car Rental is prohibited from accessing the customer’s Rental Record.  That is why I ask for you to email me copies of those documents along with your permission to answer your question.
In my next briefing I’ll go through more Post Rental questions and how to get answers or resolutions.
Ireland has many reputable car rental companies from which to choose. My preference has been Hertz Ireland with Irish owners and based on Wexford. Conn’s Ireland Car Rental has had a relationship with them for many, many years.
If you do your homework you can have a great car rental experience.
Call Conn at 316 361 0460 (Central Time) and have a chat. Get your questions and concerns answered. Visit our website and get a quote and find out that you can Take the Anxiety Out Of Renting A Car in Ireland with their EXCLUSIVE, discounted, Hertz Ireland Fully Inclusive Rate with NO Deductible and No Hidden Charges

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